Green Architecture: Innovative Water Conservation Technology

How Architek Conserves Water Through Innovative Advanced Technologies and Value Engineering.

In the pursuit of sustainability with biophilic design architecture, Architek Group of Companies stands at the forefront, offering innovative solutions together with Rope + Cable Canada that seamlessly blend ecological consciousness with cutting-edge design. From Eco Sedum Trays to Site Water Management, combined with installation and maintenance, our methodology is based on design services and advanced solutions that are cost effective and specific to each project. Ron Schwenger, principal and founder, underscores the industry’s responsiveness to municipal policies, citing Vancouver’s Rain City Water Strategy as a key driver in prioritizing stormwater management.

Elevating to New Heights and Green Roof Cost.

Architek, in collaboration with Ecovegetal, proudly presents our Eco Sedum Tray—an evolutionary modular green roof system. While it may not be the first of its kind, it certainly stands out with attributes akin to an engineered green roof. The Eco Sedum Tray boasts the traditional benefits of a modular green roof system, coupled with improvements of its own. The advanced water retention systems via the honeycomb structure and a built-in drainage system helps to manage excess water efficiently. Together, they prevent saturation and ensure that the plants receive adequate hydration.

Additionally, the root barrier and soil retention pods prevent erosion by controlling root growth and maintaining soil stability. Lastly, The patented soil fences allow diverse soil depths, enhancing the system’s adaptability and plant diversity for sustainable roof landscaping. Their modular system makes it the perfect choice for smaller and self-assembled projects or for areas not accessible by cranes. However, it can also come with its set of challenges, for sloped green roofs, for example, which are visually appealing but deal with erosion and shear forces due to gravity.

That is why green roof costs can vary significantly based on several variables, making them a highly project-specific investment. These factors impact the overall expense of a green roof undertaking. Encompassing the dimensions and intricacy of the roof, the selection of plant species, the materials employed during installation, and the incorporation of supplementary elements such as irrigation systems or pathways. Moreover, the structural prerequisites of the building, coupled with the localized climatic conditions, wield significant influence in ascertaining the comprehensive cost. The intricate interplay of these variables underscores the distinctiveness of each green roof project, resulting in costs customized to the precise requisites and objectives of the installation.

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Breathing Life into Vertical Garden Building or Living Wall.

Vertical Gardens, also known as living walls or green walls, introduce a new dimension to sustainable architecture. These modular panels can be affixed to various vertical structures, whether that’s concrete, brick siding, etc, inside or outside a building, creating a harmonious blend of nature and architecture. In a vertical garden, plants are rooted within the wall modules, drawing water and nutrients from the system rather than the ground which means it needs proper installation as well as proper maintenance to keep the plants healthy and vibrant.

Moreover, it’s crucial to consider structural loads and construction intricacies to ensure the stability and longevity of these installations. Our commitment to quality ensures that vertical gardens not only beautify but also endure the regions where they are placed, understanding the types of vegetation needed in the regions where they are installed. Although the choice of tropical plants for indoor gardens might remain consistent regionally, outdoor plant choices should align with the specific climate and be within a specific range of Pacific Northwest plants. Notably, green walls might face challenges in extremely cold climates like Alberta, Saskatchewan etc. Coastal BC, with its milder winters, provides a more conducive environment for green walls. In Vancouver, you will find an example of a living wall at 70th and Granville.

Transforming Urban Landscapes.

Green facades, a unique innovation in sustainable design, maximizes green space within minimal footprints. Contrary to the belief that they are only suitable for specific locations, green facades can be incorporated virtually anywhere with the support Rope + Cable Canada and Jakob Architectural Ropes. These green facades provide better air quality, noise damping and natural beauty for existing buildings or new construction. People love the vitality these living landscapes bring to the buildings they live in, work in and recreate in. They are an elegant yet very robust visual of vertical greenery and an alternative to traditional green walls that many know of in the industry. Many not requiring any extra structural requirements as they are most commonly attached to concrete walls, but can attach to almost anything including wood frames, vinyl siding and more, only with consideration to the building envelope and how the building is designed being able to hold the weight of the frame and the weight of the vine.

Although the cost varies depending on the project, they present a more reasonable alternative to traditional green walls. Architecturally designed, these facades not only catch the eye but also contribute to environmental improvement and enhance a building’s overall design.

Nurturing Sustainability from the Ground Up.

Working in conjunction with civil engineering partners to provide comprehensive site-water design and systems recommendations. Architek’s commitment to sustainable water management is evident in its stormwater mitigation and conservation solutions. By controlling water retention and drainage, our products help reduce flooding and the strain on city drainage systems. Water conservation efforts, including grey and black water reuse, not only save money but also play a crucial role in mitigating water scarcity, making them increasingly cost-effective and necessary in today’s changing climate.

Green Roof Solutions for a Cooler Tomorrow.

Architek’s solutions go beyond aesthetics and functionality; and make every attempt to actively contribute to mitigating the rapid climate changes we are experiencing more and more each year. Green roofs, for instance, naturally reduce heat island effect, offering a cooling effect that is twice as effective on average. The integration of photovoltaics with green roofs further enhances energy efficiency, with potential gains of up to 33%. Additionally, the proliferation of concrete and glass in urban areas contributes to heat island effect, causing discomfort and health issues. Green roofs and living architecture help counteract this effect by significantly reducing urban temperatures and infusing the surroundings with fresh oxygen.

In the pursuit of a greener future, Architek’s products stand as beacons of sustainability. From revolutionary green roof systems to vertical gardens and water management solutions, each offering is a testament to our group of company’s dedication to creating environmentally conscious and aesthetically pleasing structures. With growing interest in Quebec and the maritime regions, this is signalling expanding opportunities and interest in those areas.

Architeck Group of Companies
Architek Sustainable Building Products Inc BBB Business Review
Our Vancouver offices are located on the unceded and ancestral territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Swx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples, the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Swx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, and has been stewarded by them since time immemorial. 

Vancouver is located on territory that was never ceded, or given up to the Crown by the Musqueam, Squamish, or Tsleil-Waututh peoples. The term unceded acknowledges the dispossession of the land and the inherent rights that Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh hold to the territory. The term serves as a reminder that Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh have never left their territories and will always retain their jurisdiction and relationships with the territory.


Changing the urban landscape with sustainable, energy-efficient solutions that bring nature’s tranquil beauty to modern structures

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Rope + Cable

Canada’s exclusive distributor for Jakob Rope Systems – The world’s leading manufacturer of premium AISI 316 high-grade stainless steel cable and hardware for architecture
